Curing Lamps and Units
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Medium Pressure UV Lamps

Cold Medium Pressure UV Unit

Ultraviolet light sources have many applications in industry, health and hygiene, printing, security and many more. With over 24 years of experience in specialist lighting, Victory can supply high-quality products for OEMs in these industries.
Product Finishes
Medium Pressure Mercury
With especially high emissions in the UV-C range, Victory mercury lamps provide curing for printing processes that use pigmented inks and UV varnishes.
Metal Halide Gallium
Metal halide, gallium doped lamps have high emissions in the longer UV wavelengths and are suitable for thick layered and pigmented varnishes which require penetrative curing.
Metal Halide Iron
Metal halide, iron doped lamps have a high UV-A and UV-B content, and so are the right choice for curing thickly layered inks.
What is UV Curing?
Originally developed and introduced in the 1960’s, this technology has streamlined and increased automation in many areas of the manufacturing sector. UV Curing is the process of using Ultraviolet Light to initiate a photochemical reaction that generates a cross linked network of polymers.
Unlike other technologies such as infrared curing, UV is considered a low temperature process and is therefore ideal for using on substrates that are unsuitable for use with heat producing products.
As cure occurs via polymerisation rather than evaporation, processing times are dramatically improved without the need for drying ovens and large amounts of racking. This faster drying time also helps to reduce flaws and errors as well as improving consistency.
As UV energy has unique interactions with many different materials, Ultraviolet curing can produce unique products that have characteristics that can not be produced via other means. This has made the technology essential for certain industries where changes in strength, durability, chemical resistance and more are required.
Hand sealed for assured quality
Capillary sealed UV lamps — also known as roll sealed — are made by hand, using the vacuum within the lamp to form accurately the heated quartz around the conducting foil. This method allows for short, specialised, high quality production runs such as for high current double foil designs.