Disinfection Systems
Victory's Bacticlean system is the ideal solution for reducing airborne pathogens. Easy to use and simple to maintain the Bacticlean uses UV light at a wavelength of 253.7nM, this falls within the shortest wavelength of UV light known as UVC (100 – 280nM). The Bacticlean disinfects the air from airborne bacteria, yeasts, moulds, viruses (including MRSA, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Covid-19 & the common cold). It also helps to rid the air of airborne pollen cells that cause hay fever.
It achieves this by passing air at a controlled rate over UV irradiators and thus exposes micro-organisms and viruses in the air to lethal doses of UV-C, this deactivates the DNA of bacteria, virus and other pathogens and so destroys their ability to multiply and cause disease. The unit is therefore extremely effective in the drive to combat the growth of a number of types of infectious viruses and has many benefits over existing chemical methods of disinfections.
UV-C light deactivates the DNA of bacteria, virus and other pathogens and so destroys their ability to multiply and cause disease. UV-C light causes damage to the nucleic acid of micro-organisms by forming covalent bonds between certain adjacent bases in the DNA. The formation of these bonds prevents the DNA from replicating and when the organism tries to replicate, it can not and dies. The Bacticlean is extremely simple to operate and safe to use.
Product Features
- Bacticlean provides a non-toxic solution
- No harsh chemicals used
- UV Light more effective at eradicating micro-organisms than chemicals
- UV light kills viruses
- Affordable capital and operational costs
- Bacticlean disinfects in seconds
- UV-C is versatile and can be used in many applications
- Bacticlean can be installed in seconds and is ready to use
- Bacticlean is safe and easy to use and maintain
- The unit is portable and can be easily positioned in any room
- The unit can also be wall mounted

Bacticlean Tests
Microsearch Laboratories found that under test conditions the Bacticlean device produced circa a6 Log reduction of recoverable viral particle in 60 minutes. Further given that the surrogate employed, Bacteriophage is 3 to 6 times more resistant to UV-C dosing than covid-19 it follows that in use the device would inactivate Covid-19 more efficiently than demonstrated by this data employing the surrogate.
Tests were conducted at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne where the effectiveness of Bacticlean on Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus was shown to be excellent. The average data showing LOG10 reduction values. Microsearch Laboratories test results were very clear. In a 95 cubic metre surgery where the Bacticlean unit was installed for 2 weeks, the daily average reduction of micro-organisms was as follows: Bacteria 98.3%, Yeasts 94.7%, Moulds 90.3%.
In a 10 cubic metre trial, the following results were achived: Salmonella 930,000 counts to zero; Aspergillus 1,700,000 counts to 7; Candida 1,4000,000 counts to zero; Listeria 2,900,000 counts to 70; Pseudomonas 1,800,000 counts to 7.
The Bristol Water Company test results showed a reduction in colonies on a yeast extract Agar environment plate as follows: in a reception area 8 colonies to 1; in a laboratory 3 colonies to 0. One Bacticlean unit has a 90% disinfectant effect in a 95 cu.metre room in 2 hours with still air conditions. The Bacticlean unit is a small, portable unit. It is connected to the mains by a standard 3-pin 13 amp plug. The average running time before it is necessary to replace the lamp is 8000 hours.